Toast Notification on SCCM

2021, May 18

So this is quick how-to adding toast notifications to SCCM, Which can be used for Task Sequences or User notifications.

1). Head over to and grab yourself a copy of the Toast files needed for this

( Toast Files)

2). Extract the software to a handy location and customise and tweak to your requirements ie.. Windows 10 Update

Incoming Connector

3). Transfer your toast folder to your package location on your own SCCM.

Incoming Connector

You can also save you config xml file to network location if you do not want to package it ie.. -Config \Server1\Cool-Config-Toast.xml so any changes you make to the xml will not require a repackage

4). Open you SCCM Console and head over to Software Library and then Application Management and finally Packages .

Incoming Connector

5). Right Click on the Packages Window and select Create Package

Incoming Connector

6). This will show the Specify information about this package , Give the package a Name ie.. Toast Notice OS Upgrade and tick this package contains source files and point it to the location form point three and click Next

Incoming Connector

7). The next screen is the Choose the program type that you want to create click the Do not create a program and then click Next

Incoming Connector

8). The final screen is Confirm the Settings and click Next

Incoming Connector

9). The wizard will now run and build the package and show the The task completed successfully and click Close

Incoming Connector

We have now created the program files, we now need to create the powershell.exe program that will call the Toast for the user.

10). Right click on your newly created package file and select create program.

Incoming Connector

11). In the Choose the program type that you want to create select Standard Program and click next

Incoming Connector

12). In the Specify informaiton about this standard program give it a name ie.. Toast and the Command line

Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -Noninteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File New-ToastNotification.ps1 -Config config-toast-osupgrade.xml

You can also save you config xml file to network location if you do not want to package it ie.. -Config \Server1\Cool-Config-Toast.xml so any changes you make to the xml will not require a repackage

to run the Toast and click next

Incoming Connector

13). In the Specify the requirements for this standard program you can click next

Incoming Connector

14). The final screen is Confirm the Settings and click Next

Incoming Connector

15). The wizard will now run and build the package and show the The task completed successfully and click Close .

Incoming Connector

16). You can now deploy toast to collection / Task Sequence and the end result should be like this for example.

Incoming Connector